Pregnancy Wellbeing 

Becoming pregnant is one of the most transformative times in your life. While the process is a magical one, it can be both physically and mentally challenging in equal measure. Happy Heads teaches expectant mums how to slow things right down - empowering you with simple, mindful tools and techniques that release self doubt, build confidence and reduce anxiety throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond. The workshop includes breathing techniques, guided meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique and would cover:

  • Reducing stress & anxiety

  • Body & Breath connection

  • Increasing confidence

  • Releasing Fear

  • Preparing for birth and beyond

Parent Wellbeing

Parenting is such a rewarding role but raising tiny humans can also be both mentally and physically challenging, often feeling like you have no time to focus on your self care. Trying to balance parenthood, busy schedules and work is super tough so your mental health needs to be a top priority because you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Happy Heads teaches busy parents how to stop, think and breathe (even when the kids are awake) - empowering you with simple tools and techniques that reduce anxiety, increase confidence and improve focus. When you’re happy, relaxed and calm, this renewed energy feeds into to your family relationships, helping both you and the wider family unit.

New Parents

Becoming a new parent is a wonderful and hugely transformative time in life. This workshops supports that big transition into parenthood - helping parents navigate the whirlwind first few weeks and beyond. The workshop includes breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique and would cover:

  • Recovering post birth

  • Coping with no sleep

  • New Parent Anxiety

  • Connecting with your baby

  • Improving Self Belief

Empowering Mothers

Motherhood is an incredible journey, the love you have for your children is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before - but it can also be hugely challenging. This workshop is specifically designed for mothers - empowering them with simple tools that help calm the mind, improve confidence and release self doubt. The workshop includes breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique and would cover:

  • Releasing self doubt

  • Improving sleep

  • Reducing stress & anxiety

  • Child meditation

  • Emotional Resilience

Supporting New Mums

Becoming a mum is a magical experience but it can also be hugely challenging. This workshop is designed specifically for new mums postpartum - giving them tools and techniques to nurture their mental and physical wellbeing while they transition into motherhood. The workshop includes breathing techniques, guided meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique and would cover:

  • Recovering post birth

  • Post Natal Depression

  • Increase Self Belief

  • New Parent Anxiety

  • Coping with no sleep