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If we want to create real change in the world, it is the duty of all parents to teach children compassion towards their fellow humans who have a different colour skin to theirs (especially if you are a white parent). Children are so quick to learn, they are born with an abundance of love and acceptance and they are always curious. It’s important to feed this curiosity so that they learn about other cultures and most importantly how all humans are equal. 

A really lovely meditation to do with children to boost their compassion towards others is called 'Beam of Love’. They can sit or lie down then gently ask them to close their eyes (don’t worry if they don’t children are amazing at using their imagination even with eyes open). Then get them to place both hands on their chest and gently guide them to take a few deep breathes (in through nose out through mouth) imagining that their out breath is like the wind blowing through the leaves.

Guide them to imagine their is a golden ball of light under their hands and this ball of light is filled with love. Ask them to think of someone they think might need some love right now. Ask them to think about why this person might need some love and then slowly guide them to imagine the ball of light is beaming from their heart centre and travelling over to the person they’re thinking of. Get them to imagine the light completely surrounding that person making them feel loved, special and reminding them how amazing they are.

Finish by saying that when we share our love for others, it also makes us feel good so get them to imagine the loving beam of light is now making them feel happy and calm. This is a really lovely meditation for any child to do and afterwards you can talk about who they were thinking about. 

Here are some great resources for books that help teach your child about diversity:

7 Books to Help Talk to Your Kids About Racism, as Recommended by Black Authors

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