
If everything seemed to be going great in my life I genuinely used to worry that, if I didn’t worry - something bad would happen. Put your hands up if you do that! This is 100% an anxious thought and not something that your brain needs to think.
I’ve now worked on this particular negative thought, so I’m able to quickly reframe my thoughts if ever it starts to creep into my mind. For me personally I know it comes from losing my dad at the age of 7. Before that I never worried about bad things happening and then something bad did happen - so this is why I used to have this anxious thought.
A great way to reduce the intensity of your negative thoughts is to identify where it may have come from. Become a memory detective and see if you can make any links - gently reflecting back. Don’t worry too much if you can’t make any links, you can still reframe your thoughts.
Always remember that there's no need to worry if things are going smoothly in life - you deserve to be happy. Life can always throw you curve balls but it has no correlation to whether you worry about it or not so stop the worry and trust the process.
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