tapping during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a magical time but it can also be mentally and physically challenging. Your body is going through so many changes, you may have morning sickness, aches and pains, raging hormones, worries about the baby, birth and beyond - it's a big transition! Is my baby safe? Will I cope with birth? Will I be a good mum? Am I eating the right things? How is my life going to change? Will I be able to handle sleep deprivation?

Anxiety during pregnancy is totally normal and every person will have a different thing that's worrying them. It's more important than ever to nurture your mind during pregnancy because this helps you to be as mentally strong as possible postpartum. Regularly tuning in to identify and process your worries is a powerful way to make you feel calm, grounded and empowered throughout the whole journey.

Watch this video to see how tapping can help you do exactly that.