Being a mum to a little one can feel really challenging because you are often sleep deprived and that's tough! When you’ve had a bad nights sleep there is a 66% amplification to your brains amygdala (fear response) which means:
- It’s easy to feel more anxious
- Harder to think clearly and focus
- Easier to think negatively
- Harder to self regulate your emotions
- Your nervous system may feel frazzled and more sensitive
- You may feel floaty and like you’re on another planet

Whilst I can’t give you the gift of sleep I do know how to calm your nervous system, which is all you need to do on days when you’ve had zero sleep and you'll be surprised at how much more awake you feel afterwards!
Watch this video to see how it's done and reset your tired mind 👆🏼
#mumlife #mumbrain #brain #power #motherhood #mum #parenthood #parenting #mentalhealth #maternalmentalhealth #meditation #meditate #efttapping #tapping #eft #wellnesscoach #wellness #wellbeingcoach #wellbeing #mentalhealthcoach #breathe #breath #postpartum #pregnancy #sleepdeprived #sleep #postpartum


  • Do you struggle with your sleep?

  • Do you often wake up feeling exhausted?

  • Do you wake in the night and then find it hard to get back to sleep?

If you answered yes to any of the above then you should watch this tapping video because sleep is absolutely essential for a good functioning mental health. Your brain is busy and active all day long so you need to find time to 'wind your mind down' before going to bed. Calming your nervous system at the end of a hectic day is the best way to ensure you improve the quality of your sleep and ultimately boost your energy for when you wake up.

#sleep #sleepsupport #mentalheath #wellness #energy #energyboost #improvesleep #meditation #meditate #breathe #calm #unwind #happyheads #tapping #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #sleepaid