mental health


Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is always trying to regulate itself. Many things can have an impact on your nervous system, depleting your energy and affecting how you feel, often without us consciously realising it (doom scrolling through instagram for example).

One of the first steps to refreshing your energy is to first identify what your ENERGY DRAINERS are. What are the things in life that make you feel depleted, low, sad or exhausted?

The next step is to identify your ENERGY GIVERS. These are the things in life that feed your soul, make your cup feel full, make you happy and give your energy a boost.

Take a moment now to look through the below lists and see what your ENERGY DRAINERS vs ENERGY GIVERS are. You can then start adjust yourself accordingly - doing less of the drainers and more of the givers.


  1. Lack of Sleep

  2. Too much screen time / being on your phone too much

  3. Social media

  4. The news

  5. Feeling stressed or anxious

  6. Overworking or burning out

  7. People pleasing

  8. Overthinking

  9. Dehydration / not drinking enough water

  10. Not eating enough / not nourishing your body

  11. Eating too much junk food

  12. Fear and self doubt

  13. Ruminating over the past or overthinking the future

  14. Spending too much time around: bullies, people you can’t be yourself  around, really negative people, people who are really judgemental, people who have a big ego, people who gossip a lot, complainers, people who expect  perfection, people who are abusive, people who are fake

  15. Unprocessed anger, bitterness, or resentment

  16. Not exercising or physically moving your body

  17. Family

  18. Fixating on your imperfections

  19. Focussing on what you don't have

  20. Wearing a mask / hiding or suppressing emotions

  21. Comparing your life to others

  22. Doing a job that you hate

What else drains your energy? Remember that we are all different. Only you will truly know what your ENERGY DRAINERS are. Write out your list and then you can see what things you need to do less of or what changes you may need to make.


Energy Givers

  1. Meditation

  2. Good quality sleep / rest

  3. Breathwork  / deep breaths

  4. Nourishing food

  5. Setting healthy boundaries with toxic people

  6. Therapy – talking to people

  7. Water / hydration

  8. Being out in nature

  9. Sunlight

  10. Playing with my kids (parent specific)

  11. Love and intimacy

  12. Meaningful connections

  13. Responding to your body’s needs/emotional needs

  14. Tapping

  15. Positive Affirmations

  16. Learning something new

  17. Cooking / Reading

  18. Art / Being creative

  19. Exercise / moving your body

  20. Play! Doing something with no particular outcome - just for the fun of it.

  21. Hot baths, massages

  22. Watching movies that make you laugh

  23. Dancing / listening to music that you love

  24. Journaling

  25. Doing a job you are passionate about

What else gives YOU energy? What feeds your soul and makes you happy? Write out a list and start to do more of the things in life that GIVE you energy.

Tapping is a great way to refresh your energy when you’re feeling a bit depleted because it physically brings your nervous system back into balance AND helps to rewire your brain to think differently. Watch this video now to see how easy it is to do.

For more support on nurturing your wellbeing please get in touch I would love to hear from you xx


Self Love is a term that is often talked about but many people still struggle with it. How do you cultivate self love if you've been speaking negatively to yourself for a long time?

This is where tapping is hugely powerful because it helps you to literally change the way you think - transforming your inner narrative from self criticism to self compassion and loving kindness.

  • Do you struggle to speak kindly to yourself?

  • Do you you find it hard to give yourself a compliment?

  • Do you often want to reject the term ‘I love myself?

  • Do you struggle to be compassionate to yourself?

  • Do you find it hard to say words of loving kindness to yourself?

  • Are you often self depricating?

If you answered YES to any of the above then this tapping process is exactly what you need right now! Watch the video above to boost your self love and kick start the path to thinking differently.

For 1:1 support please get in touch I would love to hear from you xx


Being a mum to a little one can feel really challenging because you are often sleep deprived and that's tough! When you’ve had a bad nights sleep there is a 66% amplification to your brains amygdala (fear response) which means:
- It’s easy to feel more anxious
- Harder to think clearly and focus
- Easier to think negatively
- Harder to self regulate your emotions
- Your nervous system may feel frazzled and more sensitive
- You may feel floaty and like you’re on another planet

Whilst I can’t give you the gift of sleep I do know how to calm your nervous system, which is all you need to do on days when you’ve had zero sleep and you'll be surprised at how much more awake you feel afterwards!
Watch this video to see how it's done and reset your tired mind 👆🏼
#mumlife #mumbrain #brain #power #motherhood #mum #parenthood #parenting #mentalhealth #maternalmentalhealth #meditation #meditate #efttapping #tapping #eft #wellnesscoach #wellness #wellbeingcoach #wellbeing #mentalhealthcoach #breathe #breath #postpartum #pregnancy #sleepdeprived #sleep #postpartum


What is tapping and how does it work? This is a question I get asked a lot and something i'm always very passionate about answering. I've been an Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) practitioner for nearly 7 years now and the results I see with my clients never fails to amaze me. Seeing the huge realisations and shifts that they have is always so inspiring. Even during group workshops and retreats when I have no idea what anyone is personally working on tapping has powerful results.


Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is connected to your brain my something called the vagus nerve - your mind and body are completely interconnected. Where these energy (meridian) lines begin and end they are closer to the surface of your skin so you can physically tap on them to release the negative tension that you're holding in both your body and your mind.

Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It's also part neuro linguistic programming (using your voice to rewire your brain) which is why it is so powerful at helping you overcome your anxious, negative thoughts and it's amazing at helping you get to the core route of a problem. You're bringing your nervous system back into balance by physically tapping on your body while enabling your brain to process whatever it is that you are working on. You're healing the body AND the mind at the same time, which is why it's so effective.


The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion or specific problem at hand. This could be an anxiety, negative belief, fear, phobia, grief, worry or any difficult emotion or situation that you want to work on. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you then use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.


Identify the issue you want to work on

  • Rate the emotional intensity of the feeling on a scale of 0 - 10

  • Tap on your karate chop and repeat the statements...

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love and accept myself anyway"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , that's ok, i'm human"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love my body and I love my mind"

  • Then move around the points of the body using language connected to the issue (e.g "this anxiety, this tension in my body, it's exhausting, its holds me back..."

  • After two rounds take a deep breath (in through nose out through mouth) and rate the intensity of the emotion

  • Keep doing the rounds until your number has reduced. Use language that directly targets the problem and only move to positive affirmations when it has reduced.

If you’re interesting in doing tapping and would like a 1:1 session please get in touch xx




#tapping #eft #emotionalfreedomtechnique #mentalhealth #wellbeing #happiness #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #meditation #selflove #loveyourbody #wellness #mentalhealthcoach #selfcare #meditation #breathe #calm #grounding #grounded #anxietyrelief #anxiety #anxietysupport #happyheads


I’ve faced many difficult things in my life but burnout was one of the most traumatic. Completely losing your mental health is terrifying and it takes time for your nervous system to recover. Overcoming burnout and learning how to nurture my mental health and wellbeing was profound and one of the reasons I'm so passionate about helping people do the same.

Watch this video to see how you can use tapping to process burnout and bring your nervous system back into some much needed balance.

Thanks so much for all your wonderful support, this programme has been transformative
— Jasmine

If you would like some more support please check out the Happy Heads Burnout Programme. It's been designed specifically to help you:

  • Overcome burnout, bringing calm and peace to your mind

  • Improve your mental and physical wellbeing

  • Release negative energy from your nervous system that built up in the workplace

  • Rebuild your confidence and self belief

  • Bring your nervous system back into balance (after being under constant stress)

  • Reduce anxiety and stress in both body and mind

  • Bring you back to yourself once again!

  • Improve your sleep & Focus

If this is something that interests you please get in touch for more details, I would love to hear from you xx

#burnout #stress #anxiety #mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellbeingcoach #wellnesscoach #calm #mind #wellness #wellbeingintheworkplace #corporatewellbeing #happiness #loveyourself #meditation #mediatate #tapping #efttapping #guidedmeditation #efttapping #anxietyrelief #selfbelief #selfconfidence #burnoutrecovery


  • Do you struggle with your sleep?

  • Do you often wake up feeling exhausted?

  • Do you wake in the night and then find it hard to get back to sleep?

If you answered yes to any of the above then you should watch this tapping video because sleep is absolutely essential for a good functioning mental health. Your brain is busy and active all day long so you need to find time to 'wind your mind down' before going to bed. Calming your nervous system at the end of a hectic day is the best way to ensure you improve the quality of your sleep and ultimately boost your energy for when you wake up.

#sleep #sleepsupport #mentalheath #wellness #energy #energyboost #improvesleep #meditation #meditate #breathe #calm #unwind #happyheads #tapping #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #sleepaid


We live in a world where distractions are everywhere so it's understandable that our attention spans are now less than a goldfish! People are finding it harder and harder to focus and concentrate so it's never been more important to strengthen your mind. Watch this video above to see how tapping can bring some much needed stillness to your very busy mind.
This Months Happy Heads Reset is all about Improving Your Focus. As well as the video above you’ll get a guided meditation, insight into why we are so distracted and top tips on how to concentrate better.
Sign up HERE for the full reset, it's completely FREE xx
#focus #mind #presentmoment #present #mentalhealthcoach #wellbeingcoach #wellnesscoach #wellness #wellbeing #calm #focussed #brain #power #meditation #meditate #tapping #efttapping #happyheads #hapiness #freemeditation #freeresource #reset #grounding #groudned #loveyourself #selflove #selfcare #mentalhealth


Anxiety is completely normal and we all have our own personal triggers. Knowing how to bring your nervous system back into balance is the best way to empower yourself so that anxiety can't run the show anymore. Tapping is an incredible tool for nurturing your wellbeing. Watch this video to see how tapping can greatly reduce any anxiety you're experiencing today.

If you really want to give your mental health a reset and you’re looking for something longer term I have the brilliant Happy Heads Wellbeing Programme. It’s been designed to completely transform your wellbeing over the course of 6 weeks and includes:

  • 3 x 1-1 sessions (1.5hr each)

  • Process several big blocks in life that might be holding you back

  • Overcome your negative core beliefs and process past memories

  • Silence your inner critic and bring your nervous system back into balance

  • 2 x 20 min phone call check-ins to ensure you feel fully a supported

  • Several guided meditations to use across the 6 weeks

  • Tapping videos to follow

  • Daily practices to integrate into your own routine 

Just get in touch for a 20 minute FREE consultation xx

#anxiety #mentalhealth #wellbeing #happiness #anxietyrelief #selfbelief #anxietysupport #tapping #eft #efttapping #happyheads #selfbelief #selfcare #selflove #wellnesscoach #wellbeingcoach #emotionalfreedomtechnique


After the birth of my baby boy this month it felt fitting to have ‘transitions’ as the theme of the Happy Heads Reset. This is a regular, free resource that helps you transform your wellbeing and covers a different topic each month.

Sign up now and you’ll get sent a tapping video to help you navigate any big transition you’re going through, top tips on how to move through anything that’s challenging you and a guided meditation to help ground and calm your energy.

The link is at the top of the page or click HERE

It’s time to reset your body, mind and energy!


Guilt and shame can be hugely toxic for your mental health and nervous system - but they’re not the same! Understanding the difference and their route courses is a HUGE step in overcoming both of them and freeing yourself from their grip 👊🏽
I’ve been learning more about shame and guilt on the master trauma training course by @nicabm_ Here is a really helpful infographic to explain the difference.


Collarbone breathing is an INCREDIBLE tool for relaxing your nervous system - quickly reducing stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Watch this video and i'll guide you through. You can do this where you breathe in fully rather than half way but i've seen people do it a few different ways and really like the breath going in gradually - do what feels right for you!

During the Collarbone Breathing Exercise, keep your elbows and arms  away from your body. The exercise uses your knuckles and fingertips;  these should be the only parts of your arm that touch your body.

With the first 2 fingers of your dominant hand, tap the  Gamut point (in the groove in the bones that anchor the last two  fingers) continuously while you perform the following 4 breathing  exercises.

1. Breathe half way in and hold your breath for 7 taps.

2. Breathe fully in and hold your breath for 7 taps.

3. Breathe half way out and hold your breath for 7 taps.

4. Breathe fully out for as long as you can while tapping

Then place the first two fingertips of your dominant hand on your  non-dominant side's Collarbone point and, while tapping the Gamut point  continuously, perform the same 4 breathing exercises.

Bend the fingers of your dominant hand so that the knuckles of the  2nd joint stick out. Place them on your dominant side Collarbone point  and tap the Gamut point continuously while doing the 4 breathing exercises. Repeat this after placing the knuckles of your dominant hand  on the Collarbone point of your non-dominant side.

You are now halfway through the Collarbone Breathing Exercise. Repeat  the same procedure starting with your non-dominant side.

Let me know if you guys like this one :)

Big Love

Kim xx