Love your body


Self Love is a term that is often talked about but many people still struggle with it. How do you cultivate self love if you've been speaking negatively to yourself for a long time?

This is where tapping is hugely powerful because it helps you to literally change the way you think - transforming your inner narrative from self criticism to self compassion and loving kindness.

  • Do you struggle to speak kindly to yourself?

  • Do you you find it hard to give yourself a compliment?

  • Do you often want to reject the term ‘I love myself?

  • Do you struggle to be compassionate to yourself?

  • Do you find it hard to say words of loving kindness to yourself?

  • Are you often self depricating?

If you answered YES to any of the above then this tapping process is exactly what you need right now! Watch the video above to boost your self love and kick start the path to thinking differently.

For 1:1 support please get in touch I would love to hear from you xx


In a world where we can compare ourselves to others 24/7 it's so easy to speak negatively about your body if it doesn't fit with what you're seeing on the news, in magazines or on social media. Body positivity doesn't always come easy but it's a powerful way to boost your self belief and love your body exactly the way that it is.

Body positivity is less about what you look like and more about how you feel. When you’re mental health is in a good place you can literally view your body in a different way. I want to share a short story with you…

Around 8 years ago my self esteem was really low. I was in the middle of complete burnout in a very toxic workplace and my mental health had taken a sharp and terrifying decline. I had a wedding to go to and tried on a low cut dress. When I looked in the mirror I hated what I saw. I thought the dress made my boobs look tiny, I felt completely unconfident and couldn't imagine ever wearing it.

A year later when I had overcome burnout and transformed my mental health I had another wedding to go to. I got out THE SAME dress and put it on. What I saw was something completely different. Instead of hating what I saw, I liked it. I saw a dress that flattered by body, thought my boobs looked great and felt really confident.

My size and body shape hadn't mind had! I had been working so much on my mental health that my self esteem and self love had grown - I now viewed my body in a very different way.

I've now had two babies and my body has gone through SO many changes but I love it now more than ever. I appreciate my body for all that it does for me and make a conscious effort to speak kindly to it and myself.

I also now have the BIG responsibility to actively practice self love in front of my children because kids copy behaviour. It's no good me telling my children to love themselves but then speaking negatively about my body in front of them. They won't learn to love themselves that way - in fact the opposite will be true.

My children know that mummy loves her body and that they should love theirs - that is what body positivity is. Loving your body for all that it is and all that it does. Honouring that some days may be difficult and making a conscious effort every day to speak kindly to yourself - especially when little eyes are watching your every move.

Watch this video to see how tapping can help you honour your emotions and start to reframe the way you view your body.