

Anger is a normal human emotion but it's often not something that we know how to process in a healthy and safe way. Quite often anger is the proceeding emotion that covers up what we're really feeling inside (scared, lost, rejected, unsafe, sad, abandoned, betrayed, lonely).

This illustration called the Anger Funnel gives a clear description of how anger can be the blanket emotion for other feelings:

Anger shows up when we feel the need to defend ourselves. It’s a sign that something is wrong and needs our attention and consideration. Neither acting out in anger nor holding it in produces a desirable result. Anger demands our attention, as it buries our more authentic primary emotions, and prevents us from seeing ourselves and our situation clearly, and understanding what is happening within ourselves.

Unprocessed anger can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Watch the video above to see how you use tapping to help you process your anger and free your nervous system of negative tension.

If you would like more support dealing with your anger please get in touch I would love to help.

Big Love

Kim xx


"A manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings and beliefs" Law of Attraction

Without consciously realising - we are always manifesting. Every thought you have creates an energy flow within and around your physical being. This energy attracts its likeness. So if you’re thinking “I’m not good enough” then your energy may start to reflect that and it will be harder to attract positive experiences that align to your authentic self.

The opposite experience occurs when you think high-level thoughts like 'I AM good enough’. Your energy will start to exude confidence and positivity and in turn will attract better experiences into your life. Every thought you have informs your energy, and your energy manifests into your experiences so to put it simply - your thoughts and energy create your reality.

Here is the four step process to follow when you manifest your dreams:

Step 1. Let Go Of Resistance

Before you can think about manifesting your dreams, you first need to let go of resistence and self doubt that might be holding you back. These are the limiting, negative beliefs that your brain defaults to when you even begin to think about what you want from your life

Step 2. Set A Goal

The next step is to actually set a goal. What are your biggest dream? What truly makes you happy? It’s much harder to get to a destination if you don’t know where you want to go. If you don’t yet know what you want from your life then think about how you want to FEEL - calm, happy, grounded, confident, empowered…. this is equally as important and can often inform you of your dreams.

Step 3. Learn To Attract Deliberately

You have set your destination, now you have to get there.

You have set your intention and know what you want from the universe, so now you must take action to ensure that your dream is manifested into a reality. If you set your goal and then put it to the back of your mind, it will never become a reality. Remember, you are what you give your attention to. Therefore, you should try to fuel your dream with as much positive attention as possible.

Here are some of the best ways to fuel your dream with positive attention;

  • Speak about it

  • Dream about it

  • Talk about it

  • Think about it

  • Create a dream board

  • Use visualisation

  • Use affirmations

  • Feel good about it!

Fill your mind with thoughts of you living out your dreams and feel excited about it. This should immediately heighten your positive energy and emit a frequency to the universe that you will want it to match.

Step 4 – Act ‘As If’

When you act, speak, think and feel ‘as if’ you are already living your dreams. The Law Of Attraction can work to match all of the positivity that you are emitting and provide you with more of the same.

For many, acting ‘as if’ can be a great cause of internal conflict. After all, you are acting ‘as if’ you are rich/successful/healthy/happy when your reality may suggest completely otherwise. However, it is important to try and avoid this inner conflict at all costs. Your task is to feel as good as though you are already living your dreams.

So, begin to believe more and allow yourself to feel good knowing that your dreams are already on their way.

Finally – dream big! The bigger your dreams, the more beautiful your reality can become.

Tapping is a powerful tool at helping you manifest the life you want because it enables you to do a number of things:

  • Identify what your dreams actually are

  • Begin to shift your internal narrative about the dream

  • Overcome any self doubt that will be holding you back from manifesting

  • Release negative energy in your nervous system that might block your dream

  • Put it out into the universe with powerful, spoken affirmations like I AM SUCCESSFUL , I AM HAPPY

Watch the video above to see how you can use tapping to manifest your dreams.


What is tapping and how does it work? This is a question I get asked a lot and something i'm always very passionate about answering. I've been an Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) practitioner for nearly 7 years now and the results I see with my clients never fails to amaze me. Seeing the huge realisations and shifts that they have is always so inspiring. Even during group workshops and retreats when I have no idea what anyone is personally working on tapping has powerful results.


Your body is filled with a very complex nervous system that is connected to your brain my something called the vagus nerve - your mind and body are completely interconnected. Where these energy (meridian) lines begin and end they are closer to the surface of your skin so you can physically tap on them to release the negative tension that you're holding in both your body and your mind.

Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It's also part neuro linguistic programming (using your voice to rewire your brain) which is why it is so powerful at helping you overcome your anxious, negative thoughts and it's amazing at helping you get to the core route of a problem. You're bringing your nervous system back into balance by physically tapping on your body while enabling your brain to process whatever it is that you are working on. You're healing the body AND the mind at the same time, which is why it's so effective.


The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion or specific problem at hand. This could be an anxiety, negative belief, fear, phobia, grief, worry or any difficult emotion or situation that you want to work on. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you then use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.


Identify the issue you want to work on

  • Rate the emotional intensity of the feeling on a scale of 0 - 10

  • Tap on your karate chop and repeat the statements...

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love and accept myself anyway"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , that's ok, i'm human"

  • "Even though I have this (insert problem here)______________ , I love my body and I love my mind"

  • Then move around the points of the body using language connected to the issue (e.g "this anxiety, this tension in my body, it's exhausting, its holds me back..."

  • After two rounds take a deep breath (in through nose out through mouth) and rate the intensity of the emotion

  • Keep doing the rounds until your number has reduced. Use language that directly targets the problem and only move to positive affirmations when it has reduced.

If you’re interesting in doing tapping and would like a 1:1 session please get in touch xx




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Guilt and shame can be hugely toxic for your mental health and nervous system - but they’re not the same! Understanding the difference and their route courses is a HUGE step in overcoming both of them and freeing yourself from their grip 👊🏽
I’ve been learning more about shame and guilt on the master trauma training course by @nicabm_ Here is a really helpful infographic to explain the difference.