There is nothing normal about the world we live in right now so it’s no surprise that lots of children and parents are feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. Happy Heads teaches people how to stop, pause and breathe - empowering you with simple tools and techniques that reduce anxiety, build confidence and help to release worries.

The 30 minute workshop below includes breathing techniques, guided meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (also know as Tapping). EFT is a powerful way to help release tension held in both body and mind and overcome any negative thoughts that children or parents may be having right now…


We're living in some scary times right now and not knowing what the future holds is understandably creating anxiety for a lot of people. While we can’t control everything that is yet to come, you can control your mind and reduce anxiety any time you feel the fear beginning to kick in.

Watch this video to see how you can utilise both meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique to deepen your breathing, calm your nervous system and reduce any anxious thoughts.

For more support, download the FREE MEDITATION on my website or check out my online courses.




#meditation #meditate #coronavirus #anxiety #reduceanxiety #reducestress #emotionalfreedomtechnique #eft #tapping #wellbeing #mentalhealth #selfcare #itwillbeok #staystrong #freemeditation 


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You may not necessarily be where you want to be but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate where you are right now. The problem with always looking forward to somewhere else is that you fail to appreciate the present moment - which is really all we ever have. Never put labels on where you are in life because all your focus ends up on that final ‘point’ but life is a continuous process. Practicing self compassion is vital for a good functioning mental health. If you fail to be kind to yourself you’ll miss all the small achievements, which are just as important as the bigger ones.
To practice Self Compassion every day, simply write down three things that you love about yourself or that you're grateful for. Even if it's the same each day, focus your mind on your POSITIVE qualities and achievements. Physically writing them down helps to train the mind, decreasing negative thinking and strengthening your neurological pathways. .

Life is hard and we’ve all had obstacles that we needed to navigate so be proud that you’ve come this far - believe in yourself and believe in your abilities .
Love this wonderful artist @lucialitman xx
#mentalhealth #selfcompassion #beproudofyourself #achievements #mentalfitness #selfcare #happyheads #meditation #meditate #wellbeing #wellness



If everything seemed to be going great in my life I genuinely used to worry that, if I didn’t worry - something bad would happen. Put your hands up if you do that! This is 100% an anxious thought and not something that your brain needs to think.
I’ve now worked on this particular negative thought, so I’m able to quickly reframe my thoughts if ever it starts to creep into my mind. For me personally I know it comes from losing my dad at the age of 7. Before that I never worried about bad things happening and then something bad did happen - so this is why I used to have this anxious thought.
A great way to reduce the intensity of your negative thoughts is to identify where it may have come from. Become a memory detective and see if you can make any links - gently reflecting back. Don’t worry too much if you can’t make any links, you can still reframe your thoughts.
Always remember that there's no need to worry if things are going smoothly in life - you deserve to be happy. Life can always throw you curve balls but it has no correlation to whether you worry about it or not so stop the worry and trust the process.
#mentalhealth #worrying #reduceanxiety #mentalfitness #worryless #meditation #meditate #happyheads #wellbeing #wellness #happiness #positivethinking


We live in such a busy, hectic world where everyone feels like they have to be switched on 24/7 so it’s no surprise that many people struggle with their sleep. Getting a good nights rest is essential for a good functioning mental health so how can you increase those very precious ZZZ’s.

I taught the awesome and super lovely Alexa Chung some simple relaxation techniques that help improve the quality of your sleep.

Watch this You Tube video on her channel to see how simple it is to transform your slumber and boost your wellbeing xx




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Have you ever found yourself ruminating on over a past comment or mistake? We tend to dwell over negative memories far longer than positive ones. The reason being - negative events have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones. This is often referred to as our ’negative bias’ - exhausting right!

“Our tendency to pay more attention to bad things and overlook good things is likely a result of evolution. Earlier in human history, paying attention to bad, dangerous, and negative threats in the world was literally a matter of life and death. Those who were more attuned to danger and who paid more attention to the bad things around them were more likely to survive. The evolutionary perspective suggests that this tendency to dwell on the negative more than the positive is simply one way the brain tries to keep us safe” - Kendra Cherry ‘Very Well Mind’

The next time you find yourself ruminating over the past - take a minute to STOP, PAUSE & BREATH. Remember that this is an evolutionary brain process that you no longer need to succumb to there is no perceived danger. Ruminating over the past is a guaranteed way to create anxiety so focus on the present moment to strengthen your neurological pathways and reduce your worries. The body and breath are amazing tools to help anchor you in the moment - use them as often as you can.

To read the full article by Kendra Cherry simply click HERE.

Image from @howmental




Hi Lovely Human,

A recent study in the UK found that some 6 million people suffer from anxiety (3 million with depression as their primary problem) so if you suffer with your mental health - you are not alone!

I wanted to share my own personal journey with anxiety and depression with you, how I came to suffer from both and most importantly, how I overcame them.


In my last work place I experienced complete and utter burnout. I was a happy, super positive person but over the space of 7 months my mental health and self esteem plummeted to rock bottom.

Our manager had left suddenly just before Christmas and we were left completely unsupported in our roles for 5 months. For some people, not having a boss might be great, but for me, having a manager that supports you is vital for my wellbeing. 

I began to severely over-work, I was living and breathing work from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. I was completely exhausted and my amygdala was being triggered almost constantly. I started to struggle with social anxiety (something I’ve never experienced before) worrying what other people thought of me, my memory began to quickly decline and I found it really hard to focus.

My stomach was always tight, I had really bad digestive problems, my mouth was always dry, I had regular headaches, my shoulders muscles were constantly painful and I was getting colds all the time - stress was taking a damaging toll on my physical health.

I began to have issues with a newly appointed manager who was extremely critical towards me. My anxiety began to skyrocket, my self-esteem disintegrated and I started to have panic attacks. It felt like my brain was in a constant tumble dryer at full speed and I’d lost my ability to vocalise sentences properly.

My anxiety was so bad that by this point that it had lead into depression. It felt like I was stuck in an alternate universe - you know you’re alive but the world around you looks different, like it’s coated in sadness. I felt completely helpless and lost - hitting rock bottom in the mental health department. Luckily a very kind doctor signed me off work after assessing my wellbeing.


It was during my time off that I went and did the hugely transformational Hoffman Process, which is a retreat filled with visualisations, guided meditation, movement work - all of which transformed my mental health. It was here that I saw the true power of guided meditation to improve your wellbeing.

It was also here that I was able to grieve for my dad who very sadly killed himself when I was 7 years old, due to depression. This for me was the REAL transformation. Little had I known that the un-processed grief was living on in my nervous system as anxiety and a constant feeling of not being good enough.

It was after processing the grief that I’d held locked inside for 25 years, that both my mental and physical health transformed. I no longer felt anxious or depressed and my digestive system completely changed. When you look after your mind, the rest follows. I began meditating regularly everyday, and quite quickly my confidence, self esteem, focus and memory all started to improve and grow.

I realised my true purpose in life was to help people of all ages improve their mental health so I retrained to become a meditation teacher and Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner - two very powerful tools for looking after your wellbeing and releasing negative blockages. I now have an entire tool box of calm to help me navigate any difficult situation that life throws at me. You can listen in HERE to an interview I did with the lovely ladies at Project Love if you would like to hear more on this. You 100% don’t need to change career to start nurturing your mind. There are many things you can do right now to help you start feeling better straight away.


You don’t need to have a traumatic childhood to have anxiety - every human has fear. Let’s say a teacher severely criticised one of your projects, that could live on in your subconscious as a negative belief of not being good enough or being stupid.

Irrelevant of where things come from, the first step to conquering anxiety is calming your nervous system down and telling your amygdala that you aren’t about to get eaten. The more you deepen your breathing, the more you engage your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation).

Here are a few things you can do to combat anxiety and depression:

SPEAK - to a professional, friends or family if you need help. My friends and family were pivotal in me getting better.

PRIORITISE your mental health. Find time every day to calm your nervous system, even if it’s for 5 minutes in the morning your brain is the most important part of your body.

MEDITATE - every day to strengthen your prefrontal cortex (area of the brain connected to self regulation of emotions)

STOP looking at your phone and flooding your brain with unwanted information, especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night. An anxious brain does not need any more information!

PAUSE - everyday to deepen your breathing and soothe your internal world

LISTEN - to your body and where you are holding your anxiety. Breathe into the areas you feel anxious as regularly as you can

EAT CLEAN - gut functionality is just as important to your mental health as your mind so stop eating any processed food

TAKE - yourself out of any situation that is making you feel anxious or depressed as much as you can. Set healthy boundaries with people who drain your energy.

HYDRATE - yourself regularly. The brain needs water to function properly so stay away from too much alcohol or coffee

PROCESS - any grief or trauma that might be an underlying cause of your anxiety


If you are currently struggling with anxiety or depression and can relate to anything I’ve spoken about please do get in contact: for a private session or sign up to my 8 Week online Course - Reducing Stress & Anxiety

Your mental health should always be a top priority in your life. I teach people of all ages, simple mindful tools and techniques that empower you to live a happier, calmer and stress free life.

Life doesn’t need to be overwhelming - it's time to make your head happy again.

Take Care

Kim xx


Don't worry if you’re feeling a little anxious today - this is a simple breathing technique to help calm your nervous system down and soothe your mind.

If you would like to learn more about how to reduce stress, decrease anxiety and improve your mental wellbeing check out my 8 WEEK ONLINE COURSE x


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What better way to overcome the winter blues? Come join us on a magical four day retreat in the stunning Casa Dalia where we will take your mind, body and soul on a complete transformation.
Every is was filled with meditation, wellbeing workshops utilising EFT (tapping), yoga, relaxing in the sunshine, watching the sun rise over Africa, journalling, sound circles and so much more.
Filling you with healthy goodness throughout are the insanely talented @pachamamaorganic who create the most incredibly delicious plant based meals every day - ensuring everyone is nourished both inside and out.
Casa Dalia has a truly SPECIAL energy & we can't wait to get back out there! We only have a few places left now for our retreat 20th - 23rd JUNE 2019 so please get in touch for a retreat pack and to book.
#wellnessretreat #wellbeingretreat #retreat #meditation #meditate #wellbeing #yoga #relaxation #happyandwild #happyheads #wildthingyoga #sunshine #vitamind #transformation #selflove #selfbelief #mentalhealth #tapping #eft #wellbeing #spain



We often put our own self care at the bottom of our priority list, meaning we feel exhausted and completely burnt out - it’s time to make a change & prioritise yourself!

24th - 27th January we are returning to the stunning Shropshire Hills and yes there are loads of wild ponies! Happy & Wild will take your mind and body on a magical journey of transformation.

You’ll have four days filled to the brim with meditation, yoga, wellness workshops using EFT (tapping), hiking in the hills, healthy & delicious food, journalling, rest, relaxation and much more. Whether it’s a present for yourself or a loved one, it’s the perfect way to start the year.

Please contact me for a retreat pack and to book. Spaces are filling up quickly so don’t miss out!
What a beautiful photo by Robin Bennet of the wild ponies in the Shropshire snow xx
#reset #wellnessretreat #happyandwild #retreat #yoga #wellbeing #mentalhealth #happyheads #wildthingyoga #selflove #wellbeing #wellnessretreat #wellbeingretreat #meditation #meditate #breathe #selfbelief #relaxation


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Let’s face it summer is always hectic and you come out of it feeling truly exhausted! Don't worry because I have just the thing you need to help COMPLETELY reset your mind, body & soul!!
Happy & Wild are returning to Wandering William and the stunning Shropshire Hills 1st - 4th November for four magical days filled to the brim with meditation, yoga, wellness workshops using EFT (tapping), hiking in the hills, healthy & delicious food, journalling, rest, relaxation and much more.
For a retreat pack and to see the beautiful benefits our previous participants have gained - email
#happyandwild #mindbodysoul #retreat #reset #yoga #meditation #tapping #eft #nourish #ukretreat #wellnessretreat #monday #autumn #grounding #groundyourself #selflove #selfbelief #happyheads #wildthingyoga #anxietyrelief #relax #breathe #mentalhealth


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I’m still pinching myself that this is actually my job! Back from running a magical four day retreat in the stunning Casa Dalia where we had the most AMAZING group of women. So much love for everyone that came, nurtured their mind, body & soul - creating a truly special energy.
Every day was filled with meditation, wellbeing workshops utilising EFT (tapping), yoga, relaxing in the sunshine, watching the sun rise over Africa, journalling, deliciously healthy food and so much more.
Extra special thank-you to the insanely talented and wonderful soul @pachamamaorganic who created the most incredible plant based meals every day meaning everyone was completely nourished inside and out - missing you guys already.
Final massive thank-you to my talented partner in health @wildthingyoga1 . You know you’ve got a great partnership when work feels like a holiday.
Because Casa Dalia has a truly SPECIAL energy & everyone had such an incredible time, we’ve already booked our dates for 2019 - come and join us!
20th - 23rd JUNE 2019
19th - 22nd SEPTEMBER 2019
Spaces are limited so if you want to experience our wonderful Happy & Wild retreat, please get in touch
#retreat #wellnessretreat #happyandwild #meditation #tapping #eft #yoga #wellbeingretreat #healthretreat #plantbased #pachamama #sunrise #sunset #spain #relax #reset #selflove #selfbelief #sunshine #energy #nature #wellbeing #wellness #mindfulness #mentalhealth #happyheads #wildthingyoga #breathe #breath #mindbodysoul


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I am SUPER excited to announce that myself & Wild Thing Yoga are partnering with the wonderful Happiness Planner to launch a collaborative series in London on personal growth.

We launch our 5 part monthly events with Benk & Bo on Sunday 17th June. 10am-3pm.

The day will start with fresh juice & teas, then a meditation & EFT workshop in the glorious plant filled event space followed by an explorative hours flow.

A colourful brunch will be created by our pals Oat Kitchen followed by an inspirational workshop on personal growth with Mo Seetubtim, the founder of The Happiness Planner and author of the inspirational blog Brand Mentalist.

We only have 25 tickets for the first event & they can be found HERE.

We can’t wait to share this with you - more exciting dates & venues coming soon xx



Not only has spring sprung but it's also Mental Health Awareness month. Stress relates to 40% of all work related illness. If you are a business then this is the perfect time to give something back to your employees and help them improve both their mental and physical wellbeing.

Happy Heads teaches busy people how to stop, think and breathe - empowering you and your team with simple mindful tools and techniques that build confidence, reduce anxiety and increase focus at work and in everyday life.

A less stressed workforce means a more productive and happy workplace.

For a workshop information deck please get in touch .
#workplace #worklifebalance #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #happy #happyworkplace #happyheads #meditation #mindfulness #wellbeing #staffwellbeing #calm #relax #meditationworkshop #reducestress #stressreduction #may #happyteam #spring



Time for some sunshine ☀️
Myself & @wildthingyoga1 are taking our yoga mats & jumping on a plane to the sunny hills of Tarifa overlooking Africa in Spain to host a 4 day retreat at the beautiful @casa_daliaretreat eco house this September (27-30) wanna come with us?

Our days will be full with yoga, meditation, workshops, all the colours of the rainbow in the locally sourced food, paddle boarding, swimming, relaxing & all the sunshine you can bask in!

Message me for a retreat pack & more info. We only have a few places for this magical retreat, so if you’re keen - please get in touch xx

Happy & Wild Wellness Brunch

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February is the perfect time to re-connect with yourself.

Join Happy & Wild as you're guided through a grounding, self-care meditation workshop, followed by a playful and explorative Vinyasa flow, nurturing both your mental and physical health. 

Once your work on the mat is done, bowls of nourishing plant-based goodness from Raw Press' vegan chefs will await you, along with signature juices, tea and milk lattes. 

The perfect way to unwind, alone or with friends. 

Sunday 25th February. 10am-1pm

Tickets include a meditation session, a yoga class, brunch and a goodie bag. 

Regular price: £40  Tickets can be found here or visit Raw Press

Love Your Bones: Urban Day Retreat


Join myself and @wildthingyoga1 on 17th, Feb 10am - 4pm as we open the next chapter of our Happy & Wild urban day retreats @kreativhouse_ for the perfect time to reset your body and mind. Following on from Valentine's Day, whether you love it or hate it - come and empower your mind, move your bones, nourish your body and nurture the most important relationship - YOU!

The day will include a meditation workshop, heart opening vinyasa flow yoga, delicious food from @canababes, followed by a self-love workshop (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as tapping. We finish the day with more guided meditation and deeply relaxing yoga nidra to ensure each contented soul leaves filled with happiness and love.

To book tickets, go to the Love Your Bones page on Event Brite xx






Happy Heads and Wild Thing Yoga have joined together again to create a magical and inspiring retreat experience for you.

Extending on our London day retreats, we’re creating 4 days of wellness in the stunning Shropshire countryside as we head to the hills in January to set intentions for the year ahead with the first of many ‘Happy & Wild’ retreats.

Taking place on Thursday 18th to Sunday 21st January in and around an ancient farmstead just outside of Ludlow in Shropshire, Happy & Wild invite you to join them in a refreshing journey of exploration for both the body and mind.

The retreat will provide you with the tools to nurture and re-invigorate your mental and physical fitness to begin the year in the very best way you can.

The schedule is full to the brim with guided meditations, vinyasa flow/restorative/hatha & yin yoga, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), empowering workshops, healthy and hearty vegetarian Ayurvedic food, hikes in the stunning Shropshire hills, lots of time for rest and rejuvenation and much much more.

This retreat has been specifically designed for you to re-claim your inner power, giving you the chance to press the reset button - setting you on the right path for the year ahead.

For full details head over to our FB Page

HUGE thank-you again to all the beautiful souls that came to our Autmn Grounding Urban Day Retreat. The whole day was incredible and with feedback like this - we'll be doing more and more!

“The pace of the day, the beauty of the setting, the gorgeous, nourishing food, the helpful and eye opening exercises, the well pitched yoga session, the grounding meditation(s) and the overall atmosphere-pure magic! I came away feeling so replenished and open.I floated out into manic city life again with a sense of calm, robust self that is still serving me well.The amount of times I have mentioned the workshop and it’s warmly welcome lingering effects is a testament to you two and all the hours of planning, hard work and zeal that must have gone into the day.”

“Again, thank you, from my soul to yours, for yesterday. There was a calming cloud of energy over the space and though everyone was on their personal journey, I felt very much embraced by every warming soul there. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to experience something as empowering as that.”

“Thank you for yesterday. You guys are amazing! I still can’t believe how physically rewarding and emotionally connecting the day was.
Thank you x”

“Thank you again for all your endless energy and wisdom truly create a piece of magic! You should be soooo bloody proud that you have the ability to bring a group of strangers together and have EVERYONE float away smiling and hugging!”

January has never looked more beautiful!!

Kim XX





After the huge success of our last retreat, myself and Deanne Oliver-Pickard are proud to announce the Autumn Grounding Urban Day Retreat at the stunning Reva Studios just off Broadway Market.

During the retreat we’d like to stop for a moment - take some time and reflect on the past couple of months; to digest our feelings, thoughts, emotions and re-connect with our body and mind, to repair and prepare for the change in season.

Self-love has never been more important in this hectic world we live in. As busy people it's too often that we leave loving and caring for ourselves at the bottom of our priority list

Join us for a day of guided meditation, yoga, healthy food and a self love (Emotional Freedom Technique also known as Tapping) workshop.

Here is just some of the beautiful feedback from last time...


"Thank you so much for all your energy and enthusiasm it was a truly magical day....i literally floated through my week! Can't wait for the next one! Lots of love to you both"


“I just want to say once again thank-you for letting me part of yesterday. You guys were amazing & I still can’t believe how physically rewarding and emotionally connecting the day was, love you “


"It was amazing yesterday! You are a natural, such a well organised and flowing day. You and Deanne plus the kitchen team did such a great job and I’m already putting my tools into practice”


"WOW thank you for such an incredible day. A much needed break from Mum-life and regain some time for me…. I’ve woken up positive and really set to make meditation part of my every day. THANK YOU! And the food was amazing… Delish…!!!"


"I have a young sleep thief and was in great need of some me time. I had never been to a retreat before. I went with an open mind and a love of yoga. I returned with greater love, respect and understanding of myself. I am in Awe of Kim and Deanne and the wonderful work they do. Truly magical. Thank you both. X"

We can't wait to see you there. Tickets available here

Kim & Deanne xx


I'm very proud and excited to announce that my podcast with the incredible Project Love is now live! Hear me discuss my story of transformation and what lead me to completely change career - starting Happy Heads and following my true purpose in life...xx